Buen Viaje 3 (Chapter 7-3)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. carefully, thoroughly 1. detenidamente
2. diesel truck 2. tanque de gasolina
3. flip chart 3. papelógrafo
4. fuel 4. combustible
5. gas can 5. envase
6. hose 6. manguera
7. off-track, lost 7. despistado
8. poster 8. afiche
9. result 9. secuela
10. risk 10. riesgo
11. shortage 11. escasz
12. tank 12. depósito
13. thermos 13. termo
14. to achieve, to attain 14. lograr
15. to appreciate, to thank 15. agradecer
16. to deflate 16. desinflarse
17. water bottle 17. tarro de agua