bankdie Bank
bed and breakfastdie Pension
bus stopdie Haltestelle
castle, placedas Schloss
center of the citydas Zentrum
churchdie Kirche
city halldas Rathaus
cornerdie Ecke
downtowndie Innenstadt
harborder Hafen
hoteldas Hotel
intersectiondie Kreuzung
locationdie Lage
middle of the citydie Mitte
museumdas Museum
passer-by f.die Passantin
passer-by m.der Passant
pedestrian zonedie Fußgängerzone
police, police stationdie Polizei
post officedie Post
straight aheadgeradeaus
tourist f.die Touristin
tourist m.der Tourist
traffic lightdie Ampel
train stationder Bahnhof
vicinitydie Nähe
way, pathder Weg
youth hosteldie Jugendherberge
zooder Tierpark