Mr. So-and-soMonsieur un tel
a female flight attendantune hôtesse de l'air
a forest rangerun garde forestier
a male flight attendantun steward
a post cardune carte postale
a wildlife parkun parc sauvage
customsla douane
so, so muchtellement
the conductorle chef de train
the countryside, landscapele paysage
the kissesles bisous
the nightla nuit
the overhead compartmentle porte bagages
the rockle rocher
the seatle siège
the thingle truc
the train stationla gare
the truckle camion
the wayla façon
to be mistakense tromper de
to complain aboutse plaindre de
to dream ofrêver de
to feel like, wantavoir envie de
to happense passer
to move (into)s'installer
to realizese rendre compte
to rememberse souvenir de
to searchfouiller
to take care ofs'occuper de
to travel throughparcourir
to usese servir de
to visit (a person)rendre visite à
to wait in linefaire la queue
while, duringpendant que
to travel throughparcourir
to usese servir de
to visit (a person)rendre visite à
to wait in linefaire la queue
while, duringpendant que