French onion soupune soupe à l'oignon
I would likeje voudrais
The tip is includedLe service est compris
What would you like?Vous désirez?
a caféun café
a cheese sandwichun sandwich au fromage
a coffeeun café
a coffee with creamun crème
a colaun coca
a crepe, pancakeune crêpe
a croissant, crescent rollun croissant
a cupune tasse
a drink, beverageune boisson/une consommation
a forkune fourchette
a glassun verre
a green saladeune salade verte
a grilled ham and cheese sandwichun croque-monsieur
a ham sandwichun sandwich au jambon
a hot dogune saucisse de Francfort/un hot dog
a knifeun couteau
a lemon-lime drinkune limonade
a mealun repas
a napkinune serviette
a plateune assiette
a sandwichun sandwich
a slice of buttered breadune tartine de pain beurré
a spoonune cuillère
a steakun steak
a tableune table
a tableclothune nappe
a waiterun serveur
a waitressune serveuse
all alone (f)toute seule
all alone (m)tout seul
an espressoun express
an omeletteune omelette
apple juiceun jus de pomme
breakfastle petit déjeuner
chocolateau chocolat
dinnerle dîner
free, unoccupiedlibre
french friesdes frites
ice creamune glace
lemonadeun citron pressé
lunchle déjeuner
mediumà point
occupied, takenoccupé/occupeé
orange juiceun jus d'orange
somethingquelque chose
the check, billl'addition
the menula carte
the sidewalk caféla terrasse d'un café
the table settingle couvert
the tiple pourboire
to be hungryavoir faim
to be thirstyavoir soif
to drinkà boire
to eatà manger
to eat dinnerdîner
to eat lunchdéjeuner
to find a tabletrouver une table
to goaller
to inviteinviter
to leavelaisser
to ordercommander
to paypayer
to takeprendre
vanillaà la vanille
well-donebien cuit
what flavor?à quel parfum?
with herbsaux fines herbes