(cough) syrup | el jarabe |
(eye)glasses | las gafas |
(front) tooth | el diente |
blood | la sangre |
body | el cuerpo |
brain | el cerebro |
check-up | el chequeo |
cold (illness) | el resfriado |
congested, stuffed up | resfriado |
contact lenses | lentes de contacto |
cough (noun) | el tos |
date, appointment | la cita |
dentist (female) | la dentista |
dentist (male) | el dentista |
dizzy, nauseated | mareado |
emergency room | la sala de emergencias |
enough | lo suficiente |
eye | el ojo |
fever | la fiebre |
flu | la gripe |
head | la cabeza |
health | la salud |
healthy | sano |
heart | el corazón |
illness, sickness | la enfermedad |
inner ear | el oído |
last night | anoche |
lungs | los pulmones |
medical office | el consultorio |
molar (back tooth) | la muela |
mouth | la boca |
nose | la nariz |
nurse (female) | la enfermera |
nurse (male) | el enfermero |
outer ear | la oreja |
pain, ache | el dolor |
past, last | pasado |
patient (noun - female) | la paciente |
patient (noun - male) | el paciente |
pharmacist (female) | la farmacéutica |
pharmacist (male) | el farmacéutico |
pill | la pastilla |
prescription | la receta |
right away | en seguida |
stomach | el estómago |
suddenly | de repente |
symptom | el síntoma |
that means... | eso quiere decir |
the bad thing/ news | lo malo |
the day before yesterday | anteayer |
the good thing/ news | lo bueno |
throat | la garganta |
to bother | molestar |
to breathe | respirar |
to cough | toser |
to do aerobic exercises | hacer ejercicios aeróbicos |
to do yoga | hacer yoga |
to embrace, hug each other | abrazarse |
to examine | examinar |
to extract someone's tooth | sacarle un diente |
to get tired | cansarse |
to get/catch a cold | resfriarse |
to give someone a shot, injection | ponerle una inyección |
to greet/ say hello to each other | saludarse |
to have a pain/ache in | tener dolor de |
to hurt, to ache | doler |
to kiss each other | besarse |
to lead a calm life | llevar una vida tranquila |
to lead a healthy life | llevar una vida sana |
to love each other | quererse |
to meet someone somewhere | encontrarse |
to shake hands | darse la mano |
to stay in bed (when one is ill) | guardar cama |
to stick out one's tongue | sacar la lengua |
to stop/quit (doing something) | dejar de |
to take care of oneself | cuidarse |
to take someone's temperature | tomarle la temperatura |
treadmill | la rueda de molino |
treatment | el tratamiento |
twice | dos veces |
unfortunately | desgraciadamente |
well-being | el bienestar |