'una tuna' in Spanish is NOT a ___fish
(news) standel quiosco
6th grade6to grado
8th grade8vo grado
breakfastel desayuno
country (like USA or Venezuela)el país
country (opposite of city)el campo
eighth gradeoctavo grado
fall, autumnel otoño
he/she diedmurió
he/she got marriedse casó
he/she is betterestá mejor
he/she is worseestá peor
he/she relates, recounts, tellscuenta
letterla carta
lotteryla lotería
manel hombre
marketel mercado
pharmacyla farmacia
photola foto
routinela rutina
she had a sontuvo un hijo
sixth gradesexto grado
sonel hijo
springla primavera
subwayel metro
summerel verano
teacher (f.)la maestra
teacher (m.)el maestro
telegramel telegrama
thingslas cosas
ticket (most common word)el boleto
to buycomprar
to obtainobtener
to relate, recount, tellcontar
to teachenseñar
travel agencyla agencia de viajes
wallet, billfoldla cartera
winnerel ganador
winterel invierno
womanla mujer
workshop, shopel taller