Teresa es la ___ de Rosario.amiga
Teresa y Rosario ___ amigas.son
Teresa y Rosario son ___.amigas
bellhop, bellboyel botones
buttonel botón
credit cardla tarjeta de crédito
estate, stayla estancia
he/she findsencuentra
he/she leaves or goes outsale
he/she losespierde
he/she saysdice
he/she seesve
kingel rey
letterla carta
messageel mensaje
nameel nombre
no one, nobodynadie
on the phonepor teléfono
parlamentary monarchla monarquía parlamentaria
room (in a hotel)la habitación
to arrivellegar
to callllamar
to findencontrar
to go downbajar
to go out, to leavesalir
to have dinnercenar
to know (facts, how to)saber
to know (people)conocer
to leave behind, to allow, to permitdejar
to look forbuscar
to loseperder
to meet (for the first time)conocer
to pay (money)pagar
to rememberrecordar
to stay, to remainquedarse
to wear, to carry, to take (transport)llevar
to win, to earnganar
tripel viaje
wallet, billfoldla cartera
to stay, to remainquedarse
to wear, to carry, to take (transport)llevar
to win, to earnganar
tripel viaje
wallet, billfoldla cartera