a housing development, neighborhooduna colonia
a kissun beso
a posterun cartel
a quiltuna arpillera
a station wagonuna camioneta
a tearuna lágrima
a work training centerun centro de capacitación
estar (sinónimo)quedar
the beautyla belleza
the first ladyla primera dama
the friendshipla amistad
the gratitudeel agradecimiento
the helicopterel helicóptero
the highwayla carretera
the homeel hogar
the hostel presentador
the hostessla presentadora
the outskirtslas afueras
the sponsorshipel patrocinio
to approachacercarse
to be surprisedsorprenderse
to become (w/ an adj)quedar
to carry in one's armscargar
to debatedebatir
to designdiseñar
to difuse, spreaddifundir
to give a hugdar un abrazo
to give as a presentregalar
to inaugurateinaugurar
to showmostrar
to sponsorpatrocinar
to stay (in a place)quedarse
to supportapoyar
to treattratar