What is the temperature?¿Qué temperatura hace?
What is the weather?¿Qué tiempo hace?
basketball playerel basquetbolista
changeel cambio
everywherepor todos lados
fallel otoño
flowerla flor
iceel hielo
it's cloudyestá nublado
it's coolhace fresco
it's snowing (present progressive)está nevando
it's snowing (simple present)nieva
it's sunnyestá soleado
it's windyhace viento
maximumel máximo
minimumel mínimo
on the other handen cambio
placeel lugar
playerel jugador
rainla lluvia
runnerel corredor
seasonla estación
skaterel patinador
skierel esquiador
snowla nieve
soccer playerel futbolista
sportsmanel deportista
springla primavera
sunel sol
tennis playerel tenista
there is foghay niebla
there is misthay neblina
to go for a walkdar un paseo
walk, ride, tripel paseo
weatherel tiempo
winterel invierno