dangerel peligro
fatla grasa
nutritionla alimentación
skinla piel
to be on a dietestar a dieta
to contributecontribuir
to eat healthy foodcomer comida sana
to eat poorlyalimentarse mal
to eat wellalimentarse bien
to exercisehacer ejercicio
to fall asleepdormirse
to feel very lonelysentirse muy solo
to get a sunburnquemarse
to get enough sleepdormir lo suficiente
to have good eating habitstener buenos hábitos de alimentación
to put a lot of salt on foodecharle mucha sal a la comida
to put on sunscreenponerse crema protectora
to realizedarse cuenta de
to share with someonecompartir con alguien
to stay in front of the tvquedarse frente a la tele
to stay in shapemantenerse en forma
to suntanbroncearse
to take a showerducharse
to watch one's weightcuidarse el peso
to weigh oneselfpesarse
to stay in shapemantenerse en forma
to suntanbroncearse
to take a showerducharse
to watch one's weightcuidarse el peso
to weigh oneselfpesarse