I fallme caigo
What happened to you?Qué te pasó
poor thingpobrecito
the accidentel accidente
the ambulancela ambulancia
the ankleel tobillo
the armel brazo
the backla espalda
the bandagela venda
the bloodla sangre
the bodyel cuerpo
the boneel hueso
the castel yeso
the crutcheslas muletas
the elbowel codo
the emergency roomla sala de emergencia
the eyeel ojo
the footel pie
the headla cabeza
the kneela rodilla
the legla pierna
the medicinela medicina
the mouthla boca
the muscleel músculo
the nosela nariz
the nurseel enfermero
the painel dolor
the pillslas pastillas
the prescriptionla receta
the shot/the injectionla inyección
the shoulderel hombro
the stitcheslas puntadas
the stomachel estómago
the teethlos dientes
the throatla garganta
the wheelchairla silla de ruedas
the wristla muñeca
the x-rayla radiografía
to breakromperse
to crash into/to collidechocar con
to cut oneselfcortarse
to examineexaminar
to fallcaerse
to feelsentirse
to give an injectionponer una inyección
to hurt onelastimarse
to hurt/to achedoler
to movemoverse
to prescriberecetar
to stitch (surgically)dar puntadas
to take an x-raysacar una radiografía
to trip over/to bump intotropezar con
to twist/to spraintorcerse
what a shame!Qué lástima
to stitch (surgically)dar puntadas
to take an x-raysacar una radiografía
to trip over/to bump intotropezar con
to twist/to spraintorcerse
what a shame!Qué lástima