as a childde niño/de pequeño
rude, ill-manneredmal educado
the action figureel muñeco
the animalel animal
the birdel pájaro
the blockslos bloques
the child (m)el niño
the collectionla colección
the day carela guardería infantil
the dinosaurel dinosaurio
the dollla muñeca
the elementary schoolla escuela primaria
the fish (live)el pez
the kindergardenel kindergarten
the merry-go-roundel carrusel
the neighborel vecino
the playgroundel patio de recreo
the robotel robot
the sand boxel cajón de arena
the see sawel sube y baja
the slideel tobogán
the stuffed animalel animal de peluche
the teddy bearel oso de peluche
the toyel juguete
the trainel tren
the truckel camión
the truthla verdad
the turtlela tortuga
the water pistolla pistola de agua
timid, shytímido
to behave wellportarse bien
to bother, annoymolestar
to collectcoleccionar
to cryllorar
to disobeydesobedecer
to fight withpelearse
to jump ropesaltar a la cuerda
to liementir
to misbehaveportarse mal
to obeyobedecer
to rememberrecordar
to ride a tricyclemontar en triciclo
to walkcaminar
well-manneredbien educado