Present Subjunctive (all verbs)

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abrazar | to embrace

abrir | to open

acampar | to camp

aceptar | to accept

actuar | to act

admirar | to admire

admitir | to admit

afeitarse | to shave oneself

ahorrar | to save

alimentar | to feed

almorzar | to have lunch

apagar | to turn off

arreglarse | to get ready

asistir | to attend

ayudar | to help

bailar | to dance

bautizar | to baptize

beber | to drink

borrar | to erase

bucear | to scuba

buscar | to look for

caer | to fall

calentar | to heat (up)

celebrar | to celebrate

cepillarse | to brush oneself

cocinar | to cook

comenzar | to start

comer | to eat

compartir | to share

competir | to compete

completar | to complete

comprar | to buy

comprender | to understand

concluir | to conclude

conducir | to drive

confirmar | confirm (the flight)

conocer | to know (someone)

consistir | to consist (of)

construir | to construct

contaminar | to contaminate

contar | to count/to tell

correr | to run

cortar | to cut

crear | to create

criticar | to criticize

cumplir | to fulfill

dar | to give

decidir | to decide

decir | to say

declarar | to declare

defender | to defend

desayunar | to have breakfast

describir | to describe

descubrir | to discover

despedirse | to say goodbye to

devolver | to give back

divertirse | to have a good time

dormir | to sleep

dormirse | to fall asleep

ducharse | to take a shower

empezar | to start

enamorarse | fall in love

encontrar | to encounter (meet)

enfermarse | to get sick

enojarse | to become angry

entrenarse | to train

escoger | to choose

escribir | to write

escuchar | to listen (to)

estar | to be (location)

estudiar | to study

examinar | to examine

extender | to spread

graduarse | to graduate

hablar | to talk

hacer | to do/to make

hacerse | to become

iniciar | to begin

interrumpir | to interrupt

ir | to go

irse | to leave

jugar | to play

lavarse | to wash oneself

leer | to read

levantar | to raise

levantarse | to get up

limpiar | to clean

llamarse | to call oneself

llevarse | (bien) get along

llorar | to cry

luchar | to fight/to struggle

merecer | to deserve (merit)

morirse | to die of

necesitar | to need

ofender | to offend

ofrecer | to offer

oír | to hear

pedir | to ask for

pensar | to think

poder | to be able to

poner | to put

ponerse | to put on/to become (emotion)

presentar | to present

querer | to want/to love

raer | to scrape

recibir | to receive

romper | to break

saber | to know (how to)

salir | to depart

saludar | to greet

secar | to dry

sentirse | to feel (well/ ill)

ser | to be (permanent)

sonreír | to smile

sorprender | to surprise

subir | to go up/to rise

sufrir | to suffer

tener | to have

tocar | to touch/to play an instrument

tomar | to take/to drink

traer | to bring

tratar | to try

vender | to sell

venir | to come

ver | to see

viajar | to travel

visitar | to visit

vivir | to live

volar | to fly

volver | to go back/to do again