Usted and Ustedes Commands

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abrir | to open

almorzar | to have lunch

arreglar | to fix

asistir | to attend

ayudar | to help

bailar | to dance

beber | to drink

buscar | to look for

caer | to fall

caminar | to walk

cantar | to sing

cargar | to load

cerrar | to close

cocinar | to cook

comenzar | to start

comer | to eat

competir | to compete

comprender | to understand

conducir | to drive

conocer | to know (someone)

contestar | to answer

correr | to run

cortar | to cut

crecer | to grow

dar | to give

decidir | to decide

decir | to say

descansar | to rest

describir | to describe

detener | to detain

divertir | to amuse

dormir | to sleep

duchar | to shower

elegir | to choose

enseñar | to teach/to point out

escoger | to choose

escribir | to write

estar | to be (location)

estudiar | to study

explicar | to explain

hablar | to talk

hacer | to do/to make

insistir | to insist

invitar | to invite

ir | to go

jugar | to play

lavar | to wash

leer | to read

limpiar | to clean

llegar | to arrive

llevar | to wear/to bring

mandar | to send/to order

mantener | to maintain

mentir | to lie

mirar | to look

montar | to get on

nadar | to swim

necesitar | to need

obtener | to obtain

oír | to hear

pagar | to pay

participar | to participate

pedir | to ask for

pensar | to think

permitir | to permit

poner | to put

practicar | to practice

preferir | to prefer

preguntar | to ask

preparar | to prepare

proteger | to protect

quitar | to take away

recoger | to pick up

recomendar | to recommend

reducir | to reduce

repetir | to repeat

saber | to know (how to)

salir | to depart

secar | to dry

sentir | to feel ( to feel sorry)

ser | to be (permanent)

servir | to serve

tener | to have

tocar | to touch/to play an instrument

traer | to bring

usar | to use

venir | to come

ver | to see

vestir | to dress

viajar | to travel

vivir | to live

volver | to go back/to do again