Preterite Tense (car, gar, zar)

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abrazar | to embrace

acercar | to bring near

agregar | to add

ahogar | to drown

alcanzar | to overtake

almorzar | to have lunch

amenazar | to threaten

apagar | to turn off

aplazar | to please

arrancar | to tear off/to turn on equipment

buscar | to look for

calificar | to grade

caracterizar | to characterize

cargar | to load

castigar | to punish

criticar | to criticize

cruzar | to cross

despegar | to take off

embarcar | to embark

empacar | to pack

empezar | to start

gozar | to enjoy

indicar | to indicate

investigar | to investigate

jugar | to play

juzgar | to judge

navegar | to navigate

organizar | to organize

pagar | to pay

pescar | to fish

picar | to chop

tocar | to touch/to play an instrument